Category Archives: Sidebar

Everything outside the scope of weekly updates will be included here.


This domain will expire on January 1, so I am transferring all content from this website over to my primary blog at Falcone’s Crossroads effective immediately.

If you wish to continue following my progress, please visit that blog and click on the “Follow” link there TODAY.

While the charity portion of my “Tip the Scales” challenge has concluded, I plan to continue my weekly updates and observations.  The accountability and journaling component of my diet will be an important part of my success going forward.

This will also be good for those of you still cheering me towards the 100-pound mark and for those of you who simply enjoy looking at my feet every Sunday!

I hope to see you all over at Falcone’s Crossroads, but if not, thanks a million for all your support over the past year here at Tip the Scales 2012!


Hi Everyone, I have already received several donations from several of you. If you have already sent me your check, thank you again!

If you pledged a monetary donation but have not yet paid, please check your email for final instructions on how to send your donation.  The email will come from  If you don’t see the email, you might need to check your spam/junk folder.

Worst case, if you can’t find the email – or would like to make a last-minute donation – please email me at ASAP!


Giving Thanks in 2012

Since January 4, I have lost sixty-eight pounds.  Barring some miraculous – or otherwise unhealthy – drop over the next month, I will fall well short of my 100-pound stretch goal I established at the start of the year.

Yesterday, I received my first check from a donor.  He had pledged a dollar-per-pound but sent a check for the full hundred.  I take that as a vote of confidence that I’ve done my best, given a “hundred pound effort” thus far, and will eventually realize my goal.

Such is the amazing support I’ve received over the course of 2012. From family, friends, and strangers.  Blacks, browns, and beiges.  Catholics, Protestants, and others.

Tip the Scales 2012! began with a hope to pull myself up from a despair sown by a lifetime of poor choices and, at the same time, to help pull some others up from a lifetime in true poverty.

As the vision unfolded in January and February, I quickly realized that this wasn’t about pulling myself up but giving myself for others to pull up.  Christ’s example showed that giving oneself brings healing, so I began to see TS2012! working also as a way to help my kind supporters in their own lives, simply by giving them a cause to give themselves to.

Finally, there were the truly poor.  The unwanted and unloved, in Kingston, Jamaica, and beyond.  They are pulled up everyday by Missionaries of the Poor, by Brothers who, by every measure of the world, are capable and yet give their full capabilities to those rejected by the world.  These Brothers live in poverty alongside the poor, with utmost faith that the Lord will provide for their needs.

For a God whose love provided all creation, it is easy to wonder why such poverty exists, and yet through such poverty, we see such wealth.  Prayers, workers, donors, and “lovers” all reveal a wealth beyond dollars and cents, a wealth of humanity, serving as God’s hands and feet for fellow man. In that, God lets us share in his godliness and glory in a unique way.  One of countless ways the Lord, without causing evil, uses it to incite a greater good.

For all these things – your generosity of attention and finance, the opportunity offered by the poor to teach greater love for fellow man, the faith examples of brothers and sisters who have freely given all, for God’s working in all this, and finally, for all the success I’ve had so far in finding better health – I am thankful today.

God bless you and yours this Thanksgiving

Most sincerely,


AAARRGGHH! My belly aches!

I was able to don me olde sea captain costume last night fer the first time in many a year, but I fear it fit me a might more snug by night’s end.  Amidst the witches and their rounds, I fell hard beneath the spells of candies cursed.

I woke this mornin’ with fleeting, foggy memories of mouthfuls of peanut butter fillings and smooth chocolatey shells, but with a hankering fer but one thing: PROTEIN!  A hearty serving of bacon and eggs has me back on course, the dismal, choppy seas cast now well behind in my wake!

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!

Only 2 Months Left to “Tip the Scales” for Missionaries of the Poor!

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It’s hard to believe, but only two months remain before my final weigh-in on Christmas Eve.  As of today, I’m delighted to inform you that I have lost 65 pounds and secured over $2,000 out of nearly $3,300 in pledged donations for Missionaries of the Poor!  

I will announce total donations achieved on Christmas day, but in the meantime, I ask for your help in a last push before then.

If you have not yet done so, please consider supporting Tip the Scales 2012! by pledging a donation to Missionaries of the Poor.  Amounts are totally up to you; supporters have pledged everything from $0.25/lb all the way up to $5/lb, while others have pledged a flat amount.  

Pledging a per-pound donation for only the weight I lose over the next two months would be a perfect way to help reinforce my resolve heading into the holidays!

While it appears unlikely that I will achieve my stretch goal of losing 100 pounds before Christmas, my ultimate goal is to make the most of this challenge, here and now.  

If you would like to make a pledge or would like more information, please simply reply to this email.

Many thanks again to all of you for your generous prayers and pledges!


New Numbers are in!

The results from Friday’s six-month blood-work are in, and they’re pretty great!

Total cholesterol:  141 (down from 155 in April)
HDL (good) cholesterol:  50 (flat from April but still good)
LDL (bad) cholesterol:  81 (down from 90 in April)
Triglycerides:  50 (down from 74 in April)

Based on these results, my doctor has recommended that I cut my statin dosage in half and drop my fenofibrate dosage altogether. Yes, Doctor, right away!  I’ll go back in for another round of blood-work in a month to see how my levels have reacted.

Meantime, I got the results as I was heading out for a walk/run, and they fueled me to a new personal best: five miles.  Beautiful fall day, wonderful iPhone soundtrack, and good news all led me to a most joyful hour of exercise!

Now, about this pesky 36 pounds . . . 🙂

If Only I’d Known . . .

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison

In all my efforts to lose weight before, a minor setback or two was a kiss of death.

I might have lost 20 lbs fairly easily, but then would come Girl Scout cookies or a birthday, and I would splurge.  I’d sing the Birthday Song then have a piece of cake, which, of course, you can’t have without ice cream.  And then my mind would reason, “well, I already blew it, so I might as well go back for more!”

Before I knew it, I would be stuffed sick and sick of myself for being so weak.  And that sickness would feed into a heightened state of vulnerability that only propagated failure. One slip became two, which then gave way to a whole day lost.  And a day is practically a whole week, so then the whole “I’ll just start back next Sunday” mindset would creep in, giving me a free pass to fall whole-hog off the wagon for the rest of the week.

At that point, you might as well be sunk. Again. But sunk even lower than before.  As any smoker can attest, the slippery slope of failed self-control always seems to leave you in a deeper hole than you climbed from before.

It is truly amazing how an addicted mind can justify its enslavement, and being enslaved just plain sucks!

This year has taught me an invaluable lesson that I pray I can hold fast to for the rest of my life.  A slip isn’t a bad thing; it doesn’t even have to be a “slip”.  It’s a treat to enjoy. It’s the enjoyment of a moment, not the failure of a lifetime.

This past Sunday’s update was short-winded (“and thankfully so!” you might say) because of the weekend rush, so I didn’t expound on just how poorly I ate on Saturday and Sunday. Suffice it to say, I ate very poorly.

But you know what? I kept finding myself thinking, I’m sharing a wonderful experience with my little girl . . . we’re fishing, we’re hiking, we’re laughing and tie-dying, and by golly we’re eating hot dogs and s’mores! And when we get home, I’m going to bounce right back!

On our way home, I told my daughter I’d probably gained eight pounds on the weekend. When I stepped on the scales Monday morning, I’d gained over eight pounds!  The lesson I’ve learned during these last nine months is that as long as I isolate such “splurges” as the exception and not the rule, my body will bounce right back.

As of this morning’s weigh-in, I am already back to within ounces of my pre-camping weight and feeling great.

Any time before my experiences this year and a weekend like that would’ve killed my diet.  Now, I see my body is progressing. It’s now working with me down this road, not against me.

As awesome as it felt to break the 250 mark the first time, it felt just as awesome to break it again this morning so quickly after my lax weekend.  If only I’d known I could recover so quickly from “weak moments” in years past, perhaps I would have not failed so many times before.

As long as I succeed this time around . . . that’s all that matters.

Primal Burger

A good thick burger sliced and used as its own bun turns out to be a good substitute for a bunned burger!


Falcone's Crossroads

Each Sunday night, I select a simple motivational quote to hang in our stairwell for the upcoming week. The Monday Jump is where I share our quote for the week with you, to help give your week a little “jump start”.


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Falcone's Crossroads

Each Sunday night, I select a simple motivational quote to hang in our stairwell for the upcoming week. The Monday Jump is where I share our quote for the week with you, to help give your week a little “jump start”.

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